Friendship Baptist Church Kansas City, Missouri
Go In The Strength That You Have
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The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?” - Judges 6:14 NIV


Life is filled with ups and downs. There are moments in life when we find ourselves running on empty. Simply exhausted, emotionally, physically and yes, even spiritually. This is the picture of Gideon in Judges 6. He is weary and afraid of the enemy. He is a survivor. He is threshing wheat in a winepress. And in this moment of desperation, God intervenes.


Always remember that even in your most desperate hour, God can see you and will speak to you. Sometimes we feel forsaken and abandoned. We fill inadequate and even overlooked. But God can see you and He still has plans for your life.


The message God delivers to Gideon, is unexpected. Go in the strength that you have! You and I are able to make it life, when we allow God's power to be made complete in our weakness. God is more than enough!


God calls us often without giving us all the details, yet empowering us for the task. Just remember that with God in  your life, you have enough and you are enough.




Lord, in my weakness let me experience your power. I need you in my life. I confess my sin, and I seek your mercy and grace over my life. I love you with all that I have. Thank you for seeing me and speaking to me through your word, through Christian fellowship and through life experiences. In Jesus name. Amen.



Sacred Music - You are my strength - William Murphy



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Ushers Monthly Meeting Saturday, Feb 15 @ 11:00 AM
Offsight -Marriage Enrichment Laugh & Lean Saturday, Feb 15 @ 11:00 AM

3530 Chelsea Drive Kansas City, Missouri 64128
Phone: (816) 861-3252    Office Fax: (816) 861-3553
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