Friendship Baptist Church Kansas City, Missouri
The Spirit of Christmas
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When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. - Matthew 2:10


The Joy of the Lord is our strength! During this season of Christmas our true joy comes from experiencing Jesus personally. The spirit of Christmas is love, joy, peace and hope!


Our joy can never be sustained by material things. The joy that endures is not based on wealth, status or human authority. All of these things are temporary. We need a joy that endures in a world that is so unpredictable and unstable.


The Magi in the Matthew 2 text may have been strangers, astrologers, scientists and non-believers. Yet their action and attitude serve as a model for those who believe in Jesus Christ. They did not arrive to see the child Jesus , until two years after His birth. The evil King Herod attempted to co-opt their plans to see Jesus. We learn that being determined and devoted is important. Being focused is essential in our walk with God. 


Don't allow the present day culture to distort the true meaning of Christmas. It's not about the marketplace and consumerism. It is instead about Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh.


The "Wise men" bowed down before the child Jesus and worshipped Him. They presented offerings unto the child Jesus and His parents. They demonstrate worship, generosity and humility.


Overcome hate with love. Overcome envy with encouragement. Overcome selfishness with generosity. 


May God's face shine upon you and fill you with Christmas joy!




Dear God, sometimes I get too caught in the Christmas commercialism. OK, a lot of times. Today, I’m going to refocus my heart and remember why I’m celebrating this wonderful day in the first place. I’m celebrating Jesus today…and every day! In Jesus’ name, Amen.




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Historical Ministry Meeting Monday, Jan 13 @ 10:00 AM
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