Friendship Baptist Church Kansas City, Missouri
A Spirit of Cooperation I
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So we built the wall. And all the wall was joined together to half its height, for the people had a mind to work. - Nehemiah 4:6 ESV 


In a world filled with hostility, divison  and violence; we as the people of God are called to the lofty goal of kingdom building through cooperation with each other and service to our community. The political climate in our nation is at an impasse to the point where we can hardly agree to pass legislation to prevent the senseless gun violence in our world. The friendly neighbor and Good Samaritian ethic is largely ignored.


But the Nehemiah 4 text states, "So we built the wall..." This is the charge we have to keep. We must not lose heart or give up. The work of Kingdom building is too important to quit. We share the love of God with every person through evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, worship and ministry. Although Nehemiah & the people faced difficulty, the project proceeded because according to the text, "...the people had a mind to work." In other words, they were committed to the project and to each other. When we stop bickering and complaining and instead start working together, loving together and praying together we can truly make a difference in the world and in the life of others.


Let us pray for a Spirit of Cooperation.

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