Friendship Baptist Church Kansas City, Missouri
Praying Through Spiritual Conflict - James 4:7
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"Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." - James 4:7


We all face trials, tribulations and temptations. Unfortunately, we also experience tragedy as well. But we have the assurance in knowing that God has not left us defenseless in spiritual warfare.


The enemy attacks us and schemes against our health, wholeness and well-being. Yet, we are urged to put on the full armor of God and fight the good fight of faith. The fallen angels in this world seek to oppress us and discourage us and cause complacency among the people of God. Resist the Devil.


The chaos and conflict that characterizes our culture can be overcome by our faith in God and our faithful participation in God's mission of redemption, reconciliation and rescue.  Do not be dismayed or become disillusioned no matter what comes your way. Stay in the race and make it your aim to serve God by serving others.


Prayer In Spiritual Conflict

O Lord, my God, I know that as long as I live here, I'll battle my sinful nature. Recently, that battle has been on my mind. I am begging you, as a child of God, for you to silence all voices except yours. Let your voice be as clear as the birds at dawn. Protect me with your spiritual armor. I'll gladly adorn myself with the full armor of God. I'll place upon myself the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the spirit, and the gospel of peace.

I ask you to protect me and my loved ones. Let the blood of Jesus wipe away our sins and make us clean again. These are the weapons of our warfare. Protect me and my family by putting a wall around us and appealing to our minds so that we may follow You. I surrender myself wholeheartedly to You. Father, I recognize that I need more of you, as my mind is constantly exposed to things that aren't holy or pure. When I am replaying the bad things I've done, it’s hard to concentrate on the good. I'm constantly under attack from within and without. Help me to cultivate the mind of Christ within me by guiding me to scriptures that will help me to do that. Amen.





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