Friendship Baptist Church Kansas City, Missouri
Respecting Others - Romans 12:10
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Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.

Romans 12:10 ESV 


The Bible encourages us to honor others above ourselves and to love one another. Treating others with respect and dignity is the result of our submission to the  indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in us. Instead of striving for power, prestige or material possessions, Christian believers would do well to practice humility in honoring and respecting others. 


A sure sign that we are still operating in the flesh is when our attitude and actions are both disrespectful and hurtful toward others. The carnal Christian  is led by selfish motivations and is often careless with words that cause injury to others. 


We can change this by being aware of how our actions , words and attitudes impact others. Think about the feelings of others before we act or speak. Always give honor and respect to others. When we have injured others, the best decision is to repent, ask God for forgiveness, show kindness, demonstrate humility and be prayerful and discreet in our interactions with the injured person in order to allow for God's healing.


Give honor and respect to others.




Eternal God, I humbly confess that I do not always show respect for some of Your most wonderful creations human beings.  Please replace my self-serving attitude with a loving graciousness that helps me see others the way You do as precious treasures, worthy of tender care and respect. Please remind me to be respectful when I interact with others, especially when I am upset or have hurt someone else. Please forgive me for the times I have modelled a disrespectful attitude. Lead me to think about the feelings of others, more than my own. Lead me to show honor and respect towards others. Liberated me and heal me from my own wounds! I cannot do it without you, Jesus. Amen


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