Friendship Baptist Church Kansas City, Missouri
Take A Look At Yourself
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Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test? - 2 Corinthians 13:5


As the end of the year approaches, most of us are inclined to consider where we are in life. We reflect on relationships, our resources as well as our response to various experiences in life. I think on some level this is a natural and healthy thing to do.


There should be a moment in life, when we pause to collect ourselves and consider our life journey. In the biblical text, the invitation to self-examination is extended by the Apostle Paul.  "Examine yourself. Test yourself" is meant to provoke an honest look at where we are in our relationship with Jesus Christ.


Am I walking with the Lord? Does my life reflect the love of God? Have I made Christ the priority in my life? Considering these self questions should not result in doubt, but rather increase our faith and assurance that Jesus Christ lives in us.


Take the look at self today, invite the Holy Spirit to lead and guide and shape you into the vessel God has purposed you to be.



Loving Father, thank You for providing this special time of year for us to examine our lives. Thank You for Your Word which is a lamp to guide our feet and a light for our path. Thank You for sometimes allowing us to suffer afflictions and trials, for You are always faithful to bring us out with a greater knowledge of who we are in Christ. Thank You for the Holy Spirit who lives inside of us to lead and guide us every day. Have Your way O God in my Life! Mold me and make me after Thy will
While I am waiting yielded and still. In Jesus name, Amen


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Historical Ministry Meeting. Monday, Jan 13 @ 10:00 AM
Historical Ministry Meeting Monday, Jan 13 @ 10:00 AM
Lisk Youth Center OAC Meeting (Bi-Weekly) Wednesday, Jan 15 @ 10:00 AM

3530 Chelsea Drive Kansas City, Missouri 64128
Phone: (816) 861-3252    Office Fax: (816) 861-3553
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